Say Goodbye To Single Use Plastic

Homethings refillable bottles

Yahari Ore
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We know how damaging single use plastic is to our environment. The sea is filling up with plastic and polluting the sea life. Landfills are growing with toxic plastic waste that seeps into our atmosphere and emits carbon. We need to solve the single use plastic problem without delay. Thankfully, some companies have been working on solutions.

Homethings is one such company. They have created glass bottles that are diswasher safe and can be resused over and over. They are simply filled with water and dissolveable tabs that they send by post. Their range includes an all purpose cleaner, called Allthings. A Bathroom cleaner called Baththings and a glass and mirror cleaner called Shinythings. Their simple approach is refreshing, right down to their no nonsense names that captures both the youthfulness of the brand and the practicality of the products.

Every time we buy single use plastic we are adding to the misery caused by climate change and pollution. Solutions such as Homethings may not be perfect, it will take some time for people to get used to the idea of doing it yourself, instead of simply buying a ready made product. But Homethings have made oh so easy and there is something incredibly satisfying about using the non toxic capsules and water in the stylish glass bottles. It is truly a game changer in home cleaning. And that can only be good news for our environment.

To find out more about Homethings products, check out their Kickstarter page for more information

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